PQ2620 high frequency transformer

  • Detail
  • Parameters


The advantages of high-frequency transformer manufacturers:  

  (1) Current distribution  

  The secondary winding of a typical high-frequency transformer has several coils connected in parallel. Each secondary winding is coupled to the same primary winding. Therefore, the number of ampere turns produced by the secondary winding current is equal to the number of ampere turns produced by the primary winding (ignoring the excitation current). This feature is particularly useful for parallel rectifier circuits. The winding current distribution is equal, and there is no need for current sharing resistors or other components in the parallel rectifier circuit. 

  (2) Very high current density 

   high frequency transformer has excellent temperature rise characteristic design. Because of these characteristics, it can achieve high current density in a small package. 

  (3) High efficiency 

  Adjust the leakage inductance, so that it can have a very fast switching time, and a very low cross loss, which can make it reach a high efficiency. The turn-to-turn conduction loss between the secondary winding and the primary winding of this transformer is very small. 

  (4) High power density 

  Because of the small size of the high frequency transformer element, it has excellent temperature dissipation characteristics, so it can be tightly packaged with related semiconductor devices and inductors to achieve high power density. Its current density can reach 30A/module. 

  (5) Low cost 

   The whole high frequency transformer is composed of a small number of relevant cheap components, and the assembly is very convenient, so the cost of the transformer is very low   

  (6) Save the cost of the parts connected to it  

  Because its leakage inductance is very small, the switching loss is very low, and the stress on the parts connected to it is reduced. Therefore, the components connected to it can use components with lower cost and low power rating. 

  (7) Excellent heat dissipation characteristics 

   High frequency transformer is a small component with a high surface area to volume ratio and a short thermal path. Conducive to heat dissipation. The turn-to-turn loss between the primary and secondary windings is small. The unique geometric shape of the magnetic core can effectively reduce the core loss. So it can achieve high magnetic flux density. It can work between -40℃130℃. 

  (8) Low leakage inductance 

   Good coupling between the winding and the winding can keep the leakage inductance between the winding turns to a minimum. The wiring from the output terminal to the auxiliary components is short and tightly assembled, so the leakage inductance on the wiring between the windings is also the smallest. 

  (9) Excellent high frequency characteristics 

   Before that, when the transformer was running at high frequency, the switching loss would increase and the transformer would overheat. The emergence of flat-panel transformers solves these problems. The flat transformer can be designed as a high-frequency transformer, providing an economical and good transformer module. It can work between 100kHz and 500kHz. 

  (10) Simple structure 

   High-frequency transformer is composed of a small number of components and minimum windings. This type of module is particularly suitable for automated assembly.

  (11) Low profile 

  The magnetic core used in the plate transformer is very small and can be arranged on the surface of the plate. The shape of each core unit is within the range of 8mm-25mm. 

  (12) High dielectric strength 

   High-frequency transformers can easily be insulated according to the required number of insulation layers and thickness. Dielectric insulation can be carried out according to customers' requirements for leakage distance. The withstand voltage between the primary and secondary windings is greater than 40,000V.

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